Monday, March 10, 2008

Prison Rehab

The following are videos from a prison in Cebu City, Philippines.
Some people really can't believe that this prison dance actually is happening and it has proven to be an effective tool for transforming extremely negative people into positive individuals. Because they cant understand that, they seek their only refuge which is influencing viewers that what we are doing is wrong. They desperately even go to the extent of spreading nasty lies about "forcing" inmates to dance and inmates are "beaten" if they don't participate in the jail's "physical fitness program" Some producers of documentaries even slant their stories just to be controversial and make a fast buck. The sad thing is that some viewers are so naive and cant rationalized the producers biases and being one sided. Some even suggest that these prisoners don't deserve this humane method coz they feel there is too much recreation and inmates are to be treated severely. There are also sick people who think that dancing is a form of cruel punishment! Since when was dancing categorized as punishment? My fellow citizens of the world, CRUEL and VIOLENT forms of punishment are a thing of the past. If we make jails a living hell for the prisoners, then, we might just be sending out devils once they are released and re-integrated to society. To all "non-believers" of humane treatment of prisoners, and , to all "haters" of our NON-VIOLENT APPROACH TO REHABILITATION all i can say is ...GET A LIFE!
All I say, is more power to anyone who is trying to truly rehabilitate criminals, so that they may function in society. If that means helping them establish a new definition of embarrassing or out of character then so be it. This can help teach them, that no matter what you can do something other than crime.
Now for the good stuff, I present via youtube Thriller & Soulja Boy

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