Thursday, April 3, 2008

Happy April, I guess.

HAPPY April, I am sure the celebratory tone isn't necessary in the recognition of a new month. All April really has is April Fools Day, the dumbest holiday ever created. I only ask why, what is the purpose for a day dedicated to tricking people. It is like Halloween without the candy, mask and cool parties. For example today according to (which is by no means regarded as the credible source, but a source none the less pretty reliable for mundane things) today is National Find a Rainbow day. That might have a different meaning then it originally had when it was created, maybe it is Jesse Jackson Day?..........................Wait mark your calenders April 25th is Arbor day. Its just the let down from the 1st quarter holiday stack to April, when the weather starts getting good and your stuck at work. So for everyone looking out of their window thinking how good it would be to hang out at the pool, HAPPY APRIL make up a holiday. It would probably be better than the ones we have now.

Has anyone seen this commercial, and had the song stuck in their head but could not recall the product it was selling. This Commercial with the song by Yael Naim

Does anyone else miss the Fugees?

Peace and Happy April

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