Thursday, September 18, 2008

The disgraced 15

15 minutes of fame has made more people infamous than famous. With the access to information the list of infamous incidents have seemingly increased in the previous years. Though this instinces make for a big story and headlines they often distract many sheeple from what that should be concerned about. It is getting to a point that is just sick and disgraceful that as a culture we encourage being and ASS, filming it, then consuming it like a bunch of fucking scavengers.

(I pledge allegiance to Budweiser and free drugs)
Peace to Rick James, Anna Nicole Smith, Bill Clinton
and Motley Crue
And anyone else who has ever utilized their 15 minutes
of fame to realize their true dreams of being an
absolute jerk off, just to keep the masses entertained
This goes out to learning from the mistakes of others

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