Friday, October 3, 2008

Dumbo's and Asses

Thomas Jefferson, declared, "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them, will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.

This Bailout or RESCUE of the American economy is clearly an example of taxation without representation. It is just not morally wrong but it is goes against one of Americas’ most deeply held ideals. What are the people going to receiving in exchange for the 700 billion dollar tax leveled against the people? We are not receiving anything else more that what has already been budgeted for, though large corporations are receiving money in exchange for debt. The same companies that once back on their feet will profit off of the American people while the future generations of this country pay for the debt Wall Street accumulated. It is not a question if or how they accumulated the debt, it is merely a question of why? And the answer to that question is greed. It was not enough to make a good profit, companies wanted insane profits. One way of accomplishing that is to continually sale debt along with tangible assets for money. As companies continue to due this they are able to tell their investors that though they have sold assets they have also unloaded debt and convinced another person to pay for the debt along with the assets. That is alright due to the fact that I can insure this debt to make sure if it starts devaluing more I can write it off and get real money back from the insurance company. As this process continued the last 12 years in the economy insurance companies continued to take a loss until they stopped insuring wall street debt, and wall street decided to start hiding their debts within their overpaid for assets. The companies that were profitable when insurance was paying out claims were merely manipulating the system and got caught up in their own deception and are looking for a free pass from taking responsibility. The threat that there is no money is preposterous, has anyone looked at JP Morgan’s price lately its down only $0.28 cents from its 52 week high and up $20.48 from a 5 year low. Look it up here is the stock price. So it is clear that the money exists in the market it is only in the hands of a few and they won’t release it unless the American people buy 700 billion dollars in debt and wooden arrows. That is not capitalism that is a monopoly when one institution the Fed can control the market. No, the Fed is not a government institution. It is a private company made up of the biggest banks. Here is the address if you want to go see yourself:
33 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10045
United States
Founded in 1913
That’s ORG not GOV.

For the politicians’ to merely make this economic crisis, red and blue talking points is dumb and counterproductive. At least when it comes to identifying the problem that caused this crisis, fixing the identified problem and truly rescuing our economy. Now all of them are using this crisis for vote, either to say see I finally listened to what you had to say. See I stopped the bleeding and saved you from us. They are all responsible for the present state of the economy, Republicans and Democrats. Let us not forget at one time in the last decade our government had a 1.4 trillion dollar surplus. Now they say we lost 1 trillion in a day and it’s the fault of the politicians who voted against this ridiculous bill. It’s Dumbo and Ass politics that got us into this problem, and it is going to take common sense to get us out of this problem. It is apparent that they need to listen to the people instead of trying to line their pockets with the money of the people. Stop this Bailout, Stop this Politicking and Save the American People.

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