Tuesday, November 18, 2008

  1. Ford, GM, & Chrysler are losers.
    The are good at Losing jobs &
    They are good at Losing their damn minds.

Why would any company mass produce this vehicle for anyone other than Government organizations; Like the FBI? Edmund's.com describes the Ford Excursion as:
The Ford Excursion followed in this tradition. This full-size SUV was manufactured between 2000 and 2005, and holds the distinction of being the longest and heaviest sport-utility vehicle ever produced. With seating for up to nine passengers.

9 Passengers? How many families are that size anymore. In the 50's 60's and part of the 70's it was not completely out of the ordinary to see a family of 5 or 6 but 9 is just ridiculous. What is the purpose of 9 passengers, why not just rent a Winnebago if you want to go a trip. But the thought that it was necessary to build such a big vehicle in mass production is just crazy. It highlights are arrogance as a population and the arrogance of the big 3. If We will build it they will buy it. It is not just the big 3 who are involved in feeding on this consumer driven culture, pun intended. Ford is not the only automaker with stupidly large vehicles.

Toyota: Toyota Sequoia- Seats 8

GM:Chevorolet Surburban - Seats up to 9

What is the sense of these big ass vehicles, of course they are fun to drive and makes little people feel protected on the road. You can accomplish the same thing by buying a Tank, and you would get about the same gas mileage as driving these behemoths.

The current state of the U.S. auto market is horrible due to unrealistic expectations and bad leadership. When the Unions forced a renegotiation of their contracts last summer the leadership didn't think about the future of the American Auto Economy. It wasn't a secret that sales & Demand where down. Yet the Unions asked for guarantees to keep the factories of the big energy wasting vehicles open in Detroit. The understanding is there that the Union leaders were looking to secure jobs in a state that is already wasting away. This was their one chance to demonstrate the Vision and get the upper hand on negotiations yet they failed. Just like the industry. This was the Union chance to truly do what is best for workers. Within negotiations they could have asked for many more things that makes sense except the dumb things they agreed to:
They could have asked for sensible things that would have help prop up a failing industry
1. Equip half of the large vehicle factories to make "Green Cars"
a. One of those new factories be in Detroit Michigan
b. Another factory to be built in an economically viable area(Not Michigan or the rust belt)


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