Thursday, April 30, 2009


The USA prison system has the most people in it out of any county in the entire world. That might be changing with the Obama administration making their first attempt in reforming drug laws from the WAR on Drugs. Can't wait to hear what dumb ass comment Biden has about this. Biden is credited with coming up with allot of the WAR ON DRUGS legislation and coining the term of Drug Czar.?(HASeattle)(Don't Tase me bro) Why do they call the person in charge of stopping drugs a Drug CZAR and not department head or secretary of the war on drugs? Is it due to the fact that CZARS are not elected in politics and so cant be fired for not doing their jobs. Being the drug use in The US has increased steadily since the inception of the war on drugs, the Drug Czars have all failed? Biden's legislation is what put Tommy Chong in jail. I wonder if prison rehabilitated him?

WASHINGTON - Justice Department officials yesterday endorsed for the first time legislation that would eliminate vast sentencing disparities for possession of powdered versus crack cocaine, an inequality that civil rights groups say has disproportionately affected poor and minority defendants...The issue has received attention from both political parties, but never before have top law enforcement officials supported legislative reforms, say drug-control analysts. "Now is the time for us to reexamine federal cocaine sentencing policy, from the perspective of both fundamental fairness and safety," Breuer said.
The announcement is part of a White House effort to move away from failed strategies in the war on drugs and to shift more money into treatment, counseling, and job training.
Conflict over the cocaine laws, which date to 1986, has simmered for years. At the heart of the debate are vastly unequal penalties for carrying cocaine in powder form as opposed to rock form, or crack.
The inequality has come to be known as the "100 to 1" ratio, in which possession of 5 grams of crack, the weight of two small sugar cubes, triggers a mandatory five-year prison term, while someone carrying 500 grams of powder cocaine receives the same sentence. (
Washington Post via Philadelphia Inquirer)
500 Grams compared to 5 grams that's outrages. The drug war is a complete joke when you lock up the addicts and not the suppliers. By suppliers I am not referring to the neighborhood dope man but his supplier. 500 grams is more than a damn pound of the white pony, white girl, Sosa, Blow, nose candy, snowball, tornado, wicky stick, Perico (Spanish). It is nice to see the administration attempting to fix a disparity that has remained to long, and yes I had an expectation that as a black man Obama needed to fix this problem which ends up tearing apart families. If its not bad enough that a parent or child is using crack, the best place to rehab them has to be the penitentiary? Or maybe the Feds are stopping outsourcing and realize the prisons are to damn full. California spends nearly $45,000 per inmate every year, and are looking to cut Americas Largest state prison population by approximately 8,889 inmates.(San Fransisco Chronicle)California judges thought these nearly 9,000 prisoners where dangerous enough to lock up in prison, but now they are not that dangerous we can just put them on parole. This whole system is fucked, the Drug keep everyone paid. The countries that produce drugs and ship them the US, the custom agents who have jobs primarily to stop drugs from getting in, technology companies that keep selling pipe dreams to the govt with equipment that isn't effective in stopping the drug imports, the distributors and drug dealers who often times are the ones who are blamed. The special agencies and divisions of enforcement that are intended to stop drugs and get paid to arrest drug addicts and dealers. The Judges who can show they are tough on drugs by giving retarded sentences so that they can get reelected. If drug crimes where not a priority do you think the amount of judges would be the same. The lawyers who prosecute and defend drug dealers and users. Often times if a dealer has cash that has been laundered they can afford a lawyer who specializes in drug defenses. At the end if they are being prosecuted by the federal government then they will most likely still get convicted yet their attorneys will make out like a bandit. The prison guards necessary to monitor prisoners in prisons which are mostly filled up with people who have drug related charges. And who gets hurt while everyone makes money off of it, the families of the jailed family members. Congrats California on the revision of the prison system, to bad you can't say you did it for common sense but because there IS NO TAX MONEY TO PAY FOR IT ANYMORE. Maybe the state also figured they can continuing locking up Hispanics and blacks in record pace and spend $40,000 on each new prisoner, Or they can use the money to stop the Cartels from bringing it across the border, to distribute and sell. Drug Mules are like Rabbits, its sad when they die but there are a million more willing to take the last mules place and risk to bring in the white to the country.

Wale - Warming Up Cane off of his 100 miles and running mixtape. Big Daddy Kane beat

According to the Los Angeles Times California also hates KIDS, but that should have been cleared when they voted for all the bonds a couple years ago to keep the power on.
"It's the underpinning of the U.S. Supreme Court's 2005 ruling in Roper vs.Simmons, which banned execution of inmates for crimes they committed as children.That doesn't stop California from locking up children as young as 14 for life without even the most remote possibility of parole. There are more than 200 such offenders living out their lives in prison here, with no chance -- despite any maturing, any repentance, any burgeoning awareness of the wrongness of their actions -- of asking for parole, even decades into adulthood. That's costly, cruel and foolish. Knowing they will live and die in prison, people who acted in the rashness of youth have no hope of returning to society, and therefore no reason to learn, or grow, or mature, or reform. But surely their example will dissuade other youth from crime? Nonsense. Kids who can't imagine next year can't imagine life in prison and can't be expected to make decisions based on something as obscure to them as parole. Of all the nations of the world, only the United States permits life without parole for children. Even here, a growing number of states have banned the practice. California should too, but in the meantime, Yee's bill is a sane start."(LATimes)

Even Charles Manson goes up for parole every 6 years, Charles Fucking Manson.

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