Thursday, April 23, 2009

Never Again?

apparently their is only one genocide(ethnic cleansing) that supposed to have in significance, while the other apparent genocides are classified as mass murders? The AP reports that Obama and the white house held a holocaust remembrance today.
"President Barack Obama stood Thursday with Jewish leaders at a solemn Holocaust remembrance in a cavernous Capitol hall, proclaiming: "Never again."
Obama warned against what he called the dangers of silence, saying that every day, somewhere in the world people must resist the urge to turn away from scenes of horror, hate, injustice and intolerance."(AP)

NEVER AGAIN, why do they always proclaim that shit. It happens all the fucking time around the world but isn't viewed in the same way.
Ethiopia & Eritrea
Australia (Aboriginal separation)
Guatemalan civil war Mayan Indian Genocide
Bangladesh War of 1971 (US denies)3 million killed
Burundi genocides of 1972 and 1993
Cambodia (Pol Pot died under house arrest after being held responsible)
East Timor (More than 20% of the population was starved to death by Indonesian occupiers)
Iraqi Kurds
Democratic Republic of Congo (During the Congo Civil War, Pygmies were hunted down and eaten by both sides of the war, who regarded them as subhuman)

Thats a long list for never again, in fact couldn't civil wars in countries be considered genocide. Since the goal is for one side to win control of the government, and mostly do it by killing people with weapons? What the hell does Never Again mean? What is the point of all these remembrance's if they aren't highlighting the current human right problems throughout the world? How about the systematic jailing and prosecution of the low income group to continue funding the system? That is almost genocidal in the effects it has on communities and families.

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