Friday, April 10, 2009

Verizon overcharges Text happy family & Jiffy Lube hates the environment. Martellus the Blogger

A Cheyenne Teen sends 10,000 text messages in one month and leaves family with a $4,756.25. bill from Verizon (Denver Post)
"Dena Christoffersen, 13, had apparently been sending most of these messages at school. That's more than 300 texts within an eight-hour period every...Hours after the enormous bill arrived, Gregg Christoffersen took a hammer to his daughter's phone. "

According to Nokia the average size of a text message is 10Kb. meaning that she sent around 100,000kb which equals to 97.6562 MB of information being sent. Most peoples phones have more than a 100MB worth of storage space as well as most people have a free USB drive given to them with more than 100mb, yet Verizon thinks that much data to be transferred is worth almost $5000. That is outrages at those prices a 30GB hard drive would cost $1,572,000 dollars. I hope that Verizon adjust this bill to the true cost of sending data over their network, this cant be legal to charge that much, but of course it is. Phone companies don't need no rules.

Austin Jiffy Lubes pump oil into the city sewers and get hit with a $300,000 fine. (Austin American-Statesman)
"The water mixed with used motor oil that leaked from faulty drums stored in the pits, creating a toxic bath that sometimes was more than a foot high, Gray said. Instead of paying to dispose of the toxic soup, employees pumped it into a sink, and it went down the drain and into the city sewer system, Gray said...As part of the plea agreement, the corporation took out an advertisement in the American-Statesman on Thursday apologizing for the act. Patty Robertson, chief of the district attorney's office white-collar crime unit, said prosecutors asked for the apology to deter others."Heartland Automotive Services, Inc. is very respectful of our environment and regrets any damage that may have arisen from the ill-advised actions of a few of our employees," said a statement in the ad by Mark Rowberry. Robertson said Rowberry is Heartland's Austin-based regional manager. "

A Dallas Newspaper is having Dallas Cowboy tight end Martellus Bennett blog. Its a pretty crazy blog on the Dallas Morning News website, but is definitively entertaining. (
his first two entries consist of leaving your date at the theater and chicks who fart.

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