Monday, May 4, 2009

Catholic Church has nothing better to do

This coming week, Bishop Thomas Wenski of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orlando, Fla., will take the unusual step of celebrating a Mass of Reparation, to make amends for sins against God. The motivation: to provide an outlet for Catholics upset with what Wenski calls the University of Notre Dame's "clueless" decision to invite President Barack Obama to speak at its commencement and receive an honorary doctorate May 17.
The nation's flagship Catholic university's honoring of a politician whose abortion rights record clashes with a fundamental church teaching has triggered a reaction among the nation's Catholic bishops that is remarkable in scope and tone, church observers say.
At least 55 bishops have publicly denounced or questioned Notre Dame in recent weeks, employing an arsenal of terms ranging from "travesty" and "debacle" to "extreme embarrassment." (MSNBC)

I have finally figured it out, the Catholic church must have a problem with abortion because it limits the amount of Children the priest can assault. It all makes sense now. I didn't hear all these words Travesty, Debacle, Extreme embarrassment, when the church was dealing with the child abuse payoffs. A black man at Notre Dame talking is a travesty? KISS my ass I hope the school fails and the great state of Indiana. Somehow the Catholic church cant figure out why their parishes are dying due to lack of people.

Catholic Church believes if you sex you should DIE (An Onymous Lefty )

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