Monday, May 4, 2009

Gov. Paterson is going for a Record

Last month it was reported by multiple news exigencies and then relayed by me that Gov. Paterson approval rate was less than 30%. It looks like Paterson refuses to stop until he sees the bottom. reports that Paterson's approval rating as of May 4th was 19%.


-- New York Gov. David Paterson's job approval has sunk to 19 percent, seven points lower than a month earlier, The Marist Poll indicated Monday. Paterson's popularity has plummeted so far that 51 percent of the poll respondents said they referred his scandal-plagued predecessor, Eliot Spitzer, including 50 percent of Paterson's fellow Democrats, the pollsters said.

While 66 percent of respondents said they believed Paterson was working hard, 66 percent also agreed he "does not have what it takes to lead the state" while only 28 percent described him as a good leader.

I don't think he can get reelected when the sample would prefer a former Gov. that was forced to resign. Start the Countdown for New York State's reprieve from Paterson.

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