Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Polls and Palin

Not those types of poles

I have been concerned lately about the recent polls that show the republican ticket of McCain/Palin is still riding the wave of the convention bump. How with the numerous gaffes that McCain has made in public how could these polls show a consistent rise in McCain's numbers. Then it hit me, polls for one mainly use land lines to get their information. Who has land lines old people and old people. OK not me.
Polls also take in account likely voters (Voters who have registered and voted in presidential election prior to this one). Well, I am included in the set, but excluded for not being old. Many Obama supporters happen to be young, first time voters who were not able to vote in 2004 due to age restrictions. The other option could be that many voters who are likely to vote for Obama did not vote last election due to the choices. That takes out 10 million plus possible respondents, if they all happened to have a land line.
My third point is, when do pollsters call. Most likely during normal business hours and dinner time to catch families at home who have a land line. During most business hours a normal person with a normal schedule who does not stay at home will miss the call on their land line for pollsters. Being allot of supporters of Obama are under 40, it is unlikely many supporters are at home and not at work to answer the phone call. If you are a supporter of any candidate and are under 40 without a family, how likely is it that you are hanging out alone in your house waiting for the phone to ring from a polling company.

All this being said, screw the biased polls and the unobjective journalism MSNBC, CNN, Fox Noise, are all participating in. And a word from a McCain/Palin unsupporter. Will Hunting aka Matt Damon

And a message for racist ass Lou Dobbs, fuck you. What is that in your hands, but that is news to no one. You peddle racism for ratings, hell has a special place for you.

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