Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What about everyone else?

It is estimated that BP has set up a 20 billion dollar fund (Rueters.com) to pay out those "Damaged" on the coast by the the most epic oil disaster in history.
Under the agreement, BP committed to pay $20 billion into an independently managed fund over four years, suspend dividend payments for the rest of the year and pay $100 million to workers idled by the six-month moratorium on deep-sea drilling that the Obama administration imposed after the spill.

Outside of the fact that President Obama has set up a oil spill Czar (Kenneth Feinberg), who suppose to be the administrator of the 20 billion dollar fund that wont be in his control until the end of the month. (Day 97) 3 months and a couple days, a whole f'n season of resource destruction. This isn't even my point, since there are plenty of hippies to cry about the cranes, ducks, and animals that hunters in the south either hunt or hit with their truck.

To make sure I am not removing the culpability of Halliburtton and their rig or BP and their operation here is a time line of the events that have destroyed a really large body of water.
Timeline via treehugger

WTF is with all these people on the coast acting like they are the only victims of this whole fiasco.
"BP should be dedicating its resources to compensating the residents of the Gulf Coast who are the victims of this tragedy, not handing out multi-million dollar golden parachutes." Rep. Markey
"BP did this," said one fisherman. "They destroyed us."CBS
“Clearly not enough information is being released to adequately allow the public and their attorneys to independently analyze what happened and what the potential public health and environmental consequences are going to be,” says Stuart Smith, a New Orleans-based attorney who is the lead counsel for the coalition." CS Moniter

Always thinking about lawsuits, hasn't Louisiana received enough free money and a Superbowl. There is no way Louisiana's economy is that integral to Americas nor do they provide the tax base to justify billion of dollars in oil cleanup on top of their 15 billion plus they received after Katrina. The only focus is making the gulf coast residents whole like they lost a lot, and no one else lost anything. What about the cost in seafood that will increase by this time next year, or the cost of gas which is conveniently been stable despite the fact Millions of gallons of oil is wasted. Does no one remember two years ago when gas hit 5 dollars per gallon and the common explanation was "We have one refinery down and demand is high" This is a whole mf'n rig that has lost Millions of gallons into the ocean and gas is stable even through the holiday's, i.e. July 4th or labor day. The American population will have the pay the true cost of this disasiter yet only people who live in the gulf coast get compensated.

The head of the U.S. Travel Association is proposing that BP set aside $500 million for a marketing campaign to help draw tourists to the Gulf Coast...Dow says in his remarks that a study his group commissioned found the spill could result in lost tourism in coastal areas to the tune of $22.7 billion over three years. He says the $500 million could come from either $20 billion BP has set aside to pay for economic damages or could be added to it. (Associated Press)

GTFOH, 22.7 billion in three years. You know you on some shit you should be sharing to the world, if that is the number you came up with to account for loss of tourism. SEC football is not going to be affected by oil, and lets be honest how many people go to LA, AL, MS, other than for football season or Mardi Gras. It sure isn't the racist ass culture people enjoy, nor the mosquitoes, the architecture, or vacationing that make people visit, how in the fuck do you estimate that much money. Cleveland and Detroit are hoping for an oil spill to get some settlement money for their economically destroyed cities. (Point of fact: Detroit will be back on its feet in 10 years) OH shit Michigan has broken an oil pipeline for attention. Long Island Press
A Michigan pipeline company says 840,000 gallons of oil leaked Monday into a creek that feeds into the Kalamazoo River.
This might be the best thing to ever happen to the coast tourism wide with the influx of hippie gulf clean up crews who want to feel like they are saving the world.
BP spokesman Jason French says some 1,800 workers from around the country report to Grand Isle at least once a day, including almost 300 who clean the town's beaches. FOX NEWS
That is just one area, not suprisingly the area that gets the most news coverage due to it actually looking somewhat enjoyable. If you read the rest of the article, you can see why no one wants to help these gulf coast assholes.
Now, a waitress won't let her 14-year-old daughter stroll to the store for a Coke, a souvenir shop owner is afraid to sit on her porch after dark and a bartender deadbolts her door, a newly purchased gun nearby.FOX NEWS

A BP official says some culture clash is understandable, though he's occasionally seen outright racial bias at work. But talk to some of the mostly white residents, and they don't directly mention the skin color of the workers, most of whom are black. The workers, they say, just act different. And that makes some people uneasy, even though the vast majority of the workers pose no threat. FOX NEWS
"This little town is just like any little town in the country," said one, who identified himself only as Daryl. "A bunch of strangers are going to scare them. A bunch of black strangers are going to scare them even more... "People treat you OK," he said. "But they haven't put any picnics on for us."FOX NEWs

Fuck these jack Ass gulf residents, guess they saw the Fox News truck and knew their medium has arrived. Please help as our beaches are covered with oil, there are to many black people, stay away from us but clean up faster give us more money Obama and BP. Quit your bitching gulf coast residents, you have told the world through your elections and fight against civil rights reform. "Tough shit that your in your predicament, but pull yourself up by your boot straps and quit looking for a hand up" What does Snoop Dogg use to wash his whites? BLEOOCH! thats karma bitch

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