Thursday, December 13, 2007

Does anyone really care?

The country of Malaysia is doing no better than when their protest started. Is that freedom I hear being taken away, does anyone care.

BBC reports:
Five ethnic Indian rights activists have been arrested in Malaysia, under a rarely used security law that allows indefinite detention without trial.

The men belong to the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf), which organized a mass rally last month alleging discrimination against ethnic Indians...The five men are being held under the Internal Security Act (ISA), which human rights groups want to abolish...The five detained activists were involved in a peaceful rally last month - the biggest protest involving ethnic Indians in more than a decade...Deputy Internal Security Minister Johari Baharom said the five men had been arrested because their actions threatened national security...Earlier this week Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi said the government would not tolerate street demonstrations, and warned that if necessary he would resort to using the ISA "without feeling guilty, without feeling sad".

Remember kids don't speak out on injustice, or big brother will kick your ass

Equality isn't as important as tourism!

Malaysia says street protests have hurt tourism AFP

Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said Thursday that a recent spate of street protests has hurt the tourism industry, with hotels and tour agencies reporting cancellations...Faced with growing regional competition, the government spent 200 million ringgit (60.4 million dollars) to promote "Visit Malaysia Year 2007" to boost the sector -- the nation's second-largest foreign exchange earner.Although Malaysia's multiculturalism is a major selling point for tourism authorities, ethnic Chinese and Indians say they face discrimination by Malay Muslims, who make up 60 percent of the population.

New Tourism Motto?
Malaysia: You can come to visit, but don't think of staying if your not Muslim. This isn't your home, just a vacation. On your right you can see the poor saps who want a job.

How do you get rid of African Americans in a city that is populated with large amounts of African Americans.

Let a Hurricane hit the city
Dont provide any government assistances before, and after the storm
Push survivors out to neighboring cities(e.g. Houston)
Put the other survivors in formaldehyde lined trailers, provided for by the government. msnbc
Demolish the public houses left, for rebuilding purposes. <----Thats a new one
Is it necessary to have the military present?

Demolition of Public Housing Starts A.P.

In normal times, redevelopment of public housing to make way for mixed-income neighborhoods might have gone largely unopposed. But passions are high in hurricane-ravaged New Orleans, where residents are desperate for cheap housing.The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development wants to demolish about 4,500 public housing units at four of the city's largest complexes and replace them with mixed-income neighborhoods.Protesters have marched on Mayor Ray Nagin's home and disrupted City Council proceedings with chants. A march on the HUD offices in Washington, D.C., also was planned for Thursday. Protesters were able to temporarily halt crews from demolishing decrepit buildings at the B.W. Cooper housing site on Thursday. They vow to continue disrupting work there and at other sites around the city. The protesters have won the blessing of one presidential contender, John Edwards. "There is a housing crisis in New Orleans today — the result of government policies that have failed the people of the Gulf," Edwards said in a statement this week. "Rents have doubled, families are being evicted from FEMA trailers and now the current administration is trying to make a bad situation worse." Opponents are suspicious of HUD because the redevelopment plans — following a model used around the country to break up concentrations of poverty — call for a reduction in subsidized housing and allow commercial development on the sites.Tessua Faulk, a 31-year-old teacher, said she doesn't trust the plans because demolition at New Orleans' St. Thomas development, where she grew up, left some of her old neighbors homeless....

By mixed-income they must mean, everyone will have means to purchase housing except the low-income.

National Lawyers Guild (NLG) Urges New Orleans and HUD to Stop Racially Motivated Demolitions of Public Housing source

Roger Clemens, Miguel Tejada and Andy Pettitte were named in the long-awaited Mitchell Report on Thursday, an All-Star roster linked to steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs that put a question mark -- if not an asterisk -- next to some of baseball's biggest moments.
This report sounds like it comes from a bunch of hearsay, are there any real ramifications for athletes listed in this document? This Mitchell report is publicly flogging athletes and not MLB as a whole, for the role they played in the reemergence of baseball after the strike. At least Bonds isn't alone anymore, more lambs to the slaughter.

There is no fairness, or maybe I am just a hater.
"Alex Rodriguez set another record for baseball's highest contract, finalizing his $275 million, 10-year agreement with the New York Yankees on Thursday."

Why cant teams afford to build their own stadiums, it is clearly not the lack of money. All the public funds appropriated for stadiums, could be used for good. I dont know, fighting poverty, funding education, subsidizing gas prices. But those aren't any problems in the U.S.A., especially not New York City. That is for another post, look forward.

That's it for today, keep your eyes open. What you see is not always the truth.

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