Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Airlines and KGB

The airline industry is about the only industry outside of the petroleum industry that has free range to do what they want. The difference between the airline and petroleum industry, is one sells a service while the other sells a product. Though they are both subsidised by the people of this great county. After my second delay in DFW airport I was a little bit frustrated with the service. The attitude of the airline industry is that they are doing you, the customer a favor by letting you fly the unfriendly skys. Ignoring the fact the we the customers paid to fly and that our tax dollars continue to keep miss manged companies like United Airlines, Delta Airlines, and American Airlines in business. How do they thank their customers and citizens of the United States of America? They lower service expectations, increase delays and raise their prices and give their executives a 70 million dollars in bonuses while they ask their employees to take a total of 1.6 billion dollar in pay cuts.(USA Today 2006) It is no wonder why planes are always late and delayed, their employees are pissed off. When a person normally buys a service and a company fucks up, the customer gets some type of compensation.

Think delivery services, food, package, and taxis. If you order food there is a reasonable expectation that it will be delivered within an hour, or the company will discount your order, since it is there mistake. If a customer request next day delivery from UPS, FedEx, or DHL a customer expects it to be delivered within 24 hours. If it takes 2 days for it to be delivered they will discount the cost, because they fucked up. Taxis will take the long way to a destination and pass on the cost of their mischiefs to their customer. The same way the airlines do to their customers, congratulations American Airlines, you run your company like Yellow Cab Taxi Company. Its nice that the airline provides free drinks to their customers, as they charge them 3 dollars for a bag of Lays potato chips, 5 dollars for freeze dried fruit mix, and 5 dollars for beer. The beer is a good deal, it cost more at a ballpark. You can't even provide peanuts to anyone, I hate those things but it was the thought that counts. My ticket cost 100 dollars plus for each leg, of a trip. Owell necessary evil, can't live with them, hope they go out of business. Screw You American Airlines.

The Airline industry wanted to show people just how much they cared so the Airline Industry Seeks To Block NY's Passenger Bill Of Rights

"A federal judge is hearing arguments challenging New York's law requiring airlines to give passengers food, water, clean toilets and fresh air when they're delayed on planes for more than three hours...The Air Transport Association wants to stop the law from taking effect on Jan. 1, arguing that states aren't allowed to regulate airlines, which are overseen by the federal government." WNBC

Brilliant, lets argue that a state has no right to protect their citizens from the airline industry because of constitutionality.

Man uses his Obesity to retain custody of his adoptive child and get free surgery. Houston Chronicle

A man who gained national media attention by claiming he was not allowed to adopt a baby because of his weight was awarded temporary custody of the child, but the judge chided him and his wife, saying they knew the primary reason the boy had been removed from their home had nothing to do with obesity. Gary and Cindy Stocklaufer had violated adoption law when they failed to obtain some required paperwork when the baby was moved into Missouri from another state, Jackson County Circuit Judge John R. O'Malley said in his order, which he made public Tuesday. After their petition to adopt the baby, Max, was denied in July by another judge, the couple publicly said it had been because Gary Stocklaufer weighed 550 pounds at the time. The 35-year-old underwent gastric bypass surgery for free from a Dallas clinic in August after the publicity and has lost about 200 pounds. "He seeks to extort a favorable result by his
accusations," O'Malley said. "Fortunately, Missouri courts base decisions on the weight of the evidence, not the weight of the litigants."

All I can say is Kudos, not only did he get to keep his kid he got free surgery. The judges statement is classic though, way to get in that punch. He was huge 550 that is out of control.

Gravity switched off due to '"Essential maintenance work"

Malaysia doesn't believe in human rights, but has DVD sniffing dogs thanks to the MPAA (A.P 2007)

Malaysia will get two new sniffer dogs to unearth pirated DVDs after the resounding success of their predecessors, Lucky and Flo, earlier this year, an official said Wednesday...During their six-month stint in Malaysia, Lucky and Flo helped find 1.6 million pirated DVDs and other optical discs and equipment, worth $6 million. The dogs were also deployed in the Philippines briefly before returning to the U.S.

Who is 55, and ex-KGB? The Times man of the year.

Ex-Hyundai CEO Elected President in S. Korea (A.P. 2007)

A former Hyundai CEO known as "The Bulldozer" for his determination to get things done rolled over all opposition and financial fraud allegations to win South Korea's presidency Wednesday, ending a decade of liberal rule...Lee Myung-bak pledged to work for a nuclear-free Korean peninsula and strengthen Seoul's alliance with the United States...It was the biggest margin of victory in any South Korean presidential election. The candidate with the most votes wins and there are no run-offs. Turnout was a record low 63 percent of 37.7 million eligible voters...Just days before the election, parliament approved an independent counsel investigation into allegations that Lee manipulated stock. The investigation is to be completed before the Feb. 25 inauguration, and Lee has said he will step down if found at fault...Lee emphasized the economy in his campaign with a "747" pledge — promising to raise annual growth to 7 percent, double the country's per capita income to $40,000 and lift South Korea to among the world's top seven economies. He also proposed a "Grand Canal" linking Seoul to the southern port city of Busan that would improve transport and be a tourist attraction.

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