Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Bear Stearns, who the hell are you

Bear Stearns investors cried and cried and finally was able to convince JP Morgan to revise their offer from $2 per share to $10 per share. CNBC reports
"JPMorgan has raised its much-scrutinized bid for Bear Stearns to $10 a share in an effort to appease shareholders unhappy with the fire-sale price set in the deal last week. But its efforts may not be enough." CNBC

The crazy part, investors are crying like it is there right to be fully compensated for investing in a company that has no liquidity to any of their assets. Just the name of Bear Stearns.
"major shareholders including British entrepreneur Joseph Lewis are apparently preparing to challenge the new deal, which hands JP Morgan 39.5 percent of Bear Stearns stock and gives them a virtual lock on getting a majority of shareholders on board to approve the deal. Lewis' position is that if JP Morgan is on the hook for Bear's liabilities under the old deal, shareholders could reject it, and JP Morgan would be forced to raise the bid to more than $10 bucks a share, sources close to major shareholders said." CNBC

I understand that I may, scratch that, I am out of line for saying this to the share holders of Bear Stearns. I would like to cordially say Fuck You, how could you reject money to keep the company afloat. Without JP Morgan, the board is worth nothing. With JP Morgans original bid at least you received 2 million dollars back Mr. Lewis a fraction of your investment, with the revised deal you will receive 10million dollars in JP Morgan Stock for your floundering investment. Hey You win some you lose some. Their investors are only talking shit and whining because they know that the fed bailed them out, they should take what they can and shut up.

Once again this entire arrangement proves the power and liability of words.
"Bear Stearns employees are angry with Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan's chief executive, because he stated at an internal meeting that he would not increase the orignal $2 per share bid. Because of this, many Bear employees sold stock at the then-market price of roughly $6. Legal action is a possible avenue.CNBC"

I understand that in normal cases a lawsuit would be warrented. This is anything but normal, to the people that sold it at 2 dollars. Are you stupid? JP Morgan was going to compensate you with their stock in exchange for yours. If you wanted to go ahead and sell your bear stearns stock on the open market, then that is your fault. It is assumed that JP Morgans value will go up with a federally insured loan. Now that the FED invested 30 BILLION, there is no way they are going to let JP Morgan fell. In summarry Bear Stearns Stock Crashed, JP Morgan offered $2 dollars a share in compensation. The inpatient idiots who already lost a shitload of money liquadated their $2 shares, after the Fed announced their loan. In my opionion which doesnt mean much, I dont think they have anyone to blame.

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