Monday, March 31, 2008

Crappy Parents, Diabetes, & BIMBOS

Crappy Parents Let their Children Die
I think an adequate punishment should be life in prison surrounded by pictures and recording of their child. Though this might not be classified as murder it has to be a couple counts of neglect, manslaughter, and shitty parenting.
"Madeline Neumann died Sunday from a treatable form of diabetes. Her mother, Leilani Neumann, told The Associated Press that she never expected her daughter, whom she called Kara, to die. The family believes in the Bible, and it says healing comes from God, but they are not crazy, religious people, she said...Other family members called 911 to seek emergency help, Leilani Neumann said. "We are remaining strong for our children," she said. "Only our faith in God is giving us strength at this time."...She had probably been ill for about 30 days, suffering symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, excessive thirst, loss of appetite and weakness, he said."(Fox News)

I can only assume since their lives are in GODS hand they will not be seeking the services of a lawyer? I don't think the bible says "do no palliative care for it is against the word" If Mr or Mrs Neumann accidentally cut off a finger, would they pray that God stops the bleeding and reattaches it naturally; or would the go to the doctor. Their actions are negligent and can not defend their actions by their made up fanatical religious convections. If they use a lawyer, then it should automatically throw out the argument of religious freedom.

Crappy parents blaming video games
MISS BIMBO is a game labeled as the destruction of society do to its inherent messages during game play. Parents are in outrage in arguing for government regulation for the website, and punishment for its creators.
"each registered player is given a "Bimbo" to take care of. According to the rules, the goal of the game is to make your "Bimbo" the most sought after character, which includes dressing, dating, dieting and even plastic surgery to enhance her appearance. Parents are understandably up in arms over the game.(CBS 4)"

Maybe I can sympathize with watchdogs who says it sends the wrong message. So do so many other things that people are exposed to on a daily day. What idiot parent lets their children online to a site named Miss Bimbo? The internet age is no longer in its infancy, if a family can afford the $30 bucks a month on internet. A family can afford the $40 watchdog software, to report where their children have been while they were online. The governments job is not to raise your children, that it is your job parents. Just as it is your job to monitor the TV they watch, the music they listen to, and people they talk to. That is the job of a parent, to annoy the hell out of their kids until the know they care, then annoy them some more. If the software is to expensive, I have an ingenious plan to save money and the innocences of your household. UN PLUG THE COMPUTER, just yank that cord out of the wall. A matter of fact cancel your ISP and you will save over $300 a year on top of the energy savings. Isnt their more pressing matters in America than regulating music and video games, what about the economy?

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