Friday, April 11, 2008

Trans fat cause cancer?

Who would have thunk it, Trans Fat has been identified as a possible cause for breast cancer. What is trans fat? Where else would I go but to find the answer, the library is to far.

Unlike other dietary fats, trans fats are neither essential nor salubrious and, in fact, the consumption of trans fats increases one's risk of coronary heart disease by raising levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol and lowering levels of "good" HDL cholesterol. Health authorities worldwide recommend that consumption of trans fat be reduced to trace amounts. Trans fats from partially hydrogenated oils are more deleterious than naturally occurring oils.(wikipedia)

Essentially trans fat is a wax like fat that preserves food from the inside out. It has no positive use for human bodily systems, and was created in a laboratory to increase shelf life of food. gross right?
"Trans-fats, which are being phased out of food because they clog arteries, may raise the risk of getting breast cancer, European researchers reported on Friday.

They found that women with the highest blood levels of trans-fats had about twice the risk of breast cancer compared to women with the lowest levels."(MSNBC)

I just question how long has the FDA known about this, I am confident longer than this reported study.

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