Saturday, August 16, 2008

We are all performers

"We're all asked to be performance artists every day...We're all being watched."
.:Adriana Yoto:.

Surfing the internet early this morning I was came across an article from yahoo, on a couple who built an apartment inside of a shopping mall. Specifically the shopping mall in the picture above. The apartment is part of a larger social experiment the couple was/is conducting, in the petri dish known as the American super malls. Below I included a video produced by Townsend and Yoto followed by some Pictures they posted on their website.

Interestingly enough this was not Michael Townsend and Adriana Yoto(The creators of the mall apartment) biggest project to date. On their website : Michael Townsend was quoted
"The Apartment in the Mall was never intended to be specifically an ‘art’ piece, it was a home, an escape and an oasis away from a significant task that was consuming my life at the time. During the four years that we were building and living in the mall, my days were consumed by the creation of a memorial for all those who lost their lives at the World Trade Center. Starting the week after September 11th, we began drawing the portraits of every single firemen and airline passenger on the buildings of Manhattan, life-size with tape. The 500 portraits, and their corresponding web pages took over five years to finish. It involved over 30,000 hours of computer time making the website and was completely unfunded."

This is the introduction posted on their website
"The week after September 11th, we set off into the City to draw a record of the lives lost. Using a specialized tape, we drew life-sized portraits of every airline passenger and fireman on the buildings of Manhattan. The drawings are counting all 2,749 who passed away in the tragedy.
This website, the Eleventh of September: an act of remembrance, is the cumulative result of 30,000 hours of volunteer effort, compiling five years of documentation and biographical information relating to the people and our journeys through New York City."

The map of the drawings in New York City can be uploaded to your cellphone, viewed on Google earth or you can use this transit map posted on this website where they identified the location of each outline.

Both projects can be viewed through there website and on youtube if you search for the username TapeArt. I thank the artist for sharing this with everyone and hope that you are interested enough to read more about it.

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