Monday, September 1, 2008

Sarah Palin Is one skinny pregnant Woman

Video of Sarah Palin at 7 months pregnant.

MCCAIN VP'S PREGNANCY HOAX!!! Evidence of cover-up for Palin's teen daughter exposed!

A supposedly nearly 7-months-pregnant Sarah Palin, 44, goes on a brisk walk with a man from her hometown on 02/20/2008, bounding through the streets and drinking coffee as if her uterus were as empty as her promises of Washington reform amid her current corruption scandal. She details her love of running, saying it "thrashes her lungs and guts and thighs," no doubt an unfortunate activity for her "unborn."

This begs the question: incredibly fit 5-time super mom, or was 4-month-old Trig actually conceived by her 16-year-old daughter, Bristol? Did she take the fall for her teen daughter in order to spare her family humiliation as well as her political career, which is founded on hard-line conservative values?

The man's story from the video ( /08/30/sarah-palin-pregnancy-scandal/):

"Not to be left out of the buzz and noise surrounding our Governor's so-called conspiracy pregnancy, I thought I would chime in. When we travelled to Juneau this February, we fully intended to take a hike to Mendenhall Glacier, then do some urban hiking (walking) around downtown Juneau. Sadly, the weather was crap and the snow leading to the glacier was nearly impassable. Anyway, on to the point...

When we met Sarah at her house to begin the video shoot, she was in a rush but extremely polite and willing to work with us. We staged the coffee delivery just for fun and totally pre-planned the hike to her office. Regarding her pregnancy, all I can say is that it was not obvious to the three of us who were there during the filming. At this time she would be somewhere in her 7th month of pregnancy..."

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