Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Unions, Corporations, Government, Government, Government

Last time someone said "Uncle Sam may have more say in (Private Buisness) operations."[Buisness Week]
It was in 2001 they said this and in the present that company is still unprofitable spending Tax payer money. American Airlines; the benefit of years of socialized loses. How do they get off charging luggage fees?

GM to close stamping plant near Grand Rapids[AP, CapeCodTimes.com]
Auto Unions don't mean anything if this is really happening. Didn't they just sign a new labor agreement in 2007?

2005 - GM pays $2 billion to Fiat to cancel "put" option under its deal and buy its way out of the alliance.
2007 - GM signs a landmark four-year agreement with the UAW, which includes shifting of GM's retiree health care liabilities to an independent trust.
June 2008 - GM Chief Executive Rick Wagoner announces GM is reviewing Hummer and considering all options, including selling the brand.
July 2008 - GM announces plans to cut costs by $10 billion and raise $5 billion through borrowing and asset sales.
October 2008 - GM holds talks with Chrysler about a deal to combine the two American automakers, according to sources familiar with the situation. GM declines to comment.

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