Thursday, April 30, 2009

Georgia Govenor Candidate has SEX with everything

Candidate Neal Horsley who is running for Georgia's Governor's office from The Creator's Rights Party in the upcoming election had a revealing interview with Alan Colmes. As one of the first steps in his campaign for the office was to appoint his head of security who has been with him for over 5 years, his dog who can't weigh more than 40 pounds. He identifies himself as a right to life advocate while other critics identify him as is known as being an Radical anti-abortion advocate(See picture above and look at the truck. The most revealing thing about Neal is that he used to have sex with his mule, a watermelon, a man, and anything else that was warm and vibrated. AND HE IS SERIOUS. Author Memekiller on Daily KOS follows up the Alan Colmes interview with much more revealing answers. First the interview with Colmes, and the transcript, i will then proceed to post the interview with DAILY KOS. First the interview Via YOUTUBE.

Alan Colmes interview

NH: “Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule.”

AC:”I’m not so sure that that is so.”

NH: “You didn’t grow up on a farm in Georgia, did you?”

AC: “Are you suggesting that everybody who grows up on a farm in Georgia has a mule as a girlfriend?”

NH: It has historically been the case. You people are so far removed from the reality… Welcome to domestic life on the farm…”

Horsley: “You experiment with anything that moves when you are growing up sexually. You’re naive. You know better than that… If it’s warm and it’s damp and it vibrates you might in fact have sex with it.”

The 2nd interview with Dylan Otto Krider Writer for the
DK: “So, as a candidate for Governor, are you worried about any skeletons in your closet that might get aired in the course of the campaign?”

NH: “No, that’s why I’m running for Governor because I don’t have any skeletons in my closet,” he says. ” I’ve talked about things people would never have talked about. Any skeletons I have, I take them out and rattle them around.”

DK: “What kinds of things?”

NH: “You know what you’re thinking about has been out there…”

DK: “We’re talking about the mule now?”

NH: Yes.

DK: “A small mule?”

NH: “No, a full grown mule. She loved me, though.”

DK: “How big?

NH: The size of a horse. All I had to do was give her an ear of corn. She was a [prostitute] mule.”

DK: “How did you reach?”

NH: “I don’t know… I stood on something. The kicker is, as soon as I was done she pissed all over me. It was embarrassing. I never told anyone that before.”

OK: “That’s right, my friends. This is an Underground exclusive.”

Not only that, but Horsley has had sex with men. He was in the Air Force, it was a cold night, yadda, yadda, yadda, he had sex with him, ahem, the way he did the mule. “It was gross,” he says.

Really? He hadn’t described the mule that way.

NH: “I’ve [screwed] a watermelon.”

In case you doubted how crazy and detached from reality this man is watch the following video of when he announced his canadacy.

Slavery, how the fuck is it slavery. Your not getting beat, your not getting killed, your family isn't getting taken away from you, GEORGIA IS NOT WORKING FOR NO WAGES, Georgia wasn't stolen from the Continent of AFRICA dragged across the ocean in the hull of ships with 1000's of other states, and then forced to work for free. FUCK YOU, how you compare I don't know? Just because you believe something doesn't mean you should force you views on everyone and force them to do it off of an interpretation. Blah Blah Blah a fetus has a heart after 15 days. Are the anti-abortionist saying if a woman miscarriages, God or Jesus is a murderer. Does the Fetus have a functioning brain? can it breath outside the womb in any way? I didn't know the Apostle John wrote "Th ow shall not have abortions for it is an abomination against GOD. What is his opinion on the death penalty, how about the foster system. The Children's protective services has such great results with adopting that is why there are noooooooooooooooooooo group homes. Does he have a solution to nurture the children once they came out. Do you volunteer at group home and interact with the lives saved. I'm going to assume not, so shut the hell up what GOD wants. Since when are all Anti-Abortion advocates prophets, did they read the original language of the bible or the one that has been translated 30 times into different languages, different writers, and different centuries. I'm sure that abortion verse is somewhere. Some of these activist seem like they just have to much time on their hands, how about going to help out some single parents instead of annoying people.

on the point of the retard state of SC
In 1832, South Carolina did indeed pass the Ordinance of Nullification which they used to nullify the extremely unpopular Tariff of 1828. The US Congress then authorized President Jackson to use military force to get SC back in line. SC quickly repealed the Ordinance of Nullification before military action was taken. Afterwords the all of the states agreed that states did not have the right to nullify federal laws.

Go ahead keep talking stupid like Rick Perry. Succession would destroy your state once it left the union. Well first the president would probably bomb the shit out of it since your no longer state or a protected territory they would make an example to show what happens when people leave. Texas has a unique problem in the sense they already have an immigration "problem" as it is and cant patrol the borders. Without federal assistance how many agents would there be. Don't give me that shit about minute man militias because once the Mexican drug cartels knew the US didn't care anymore they would send in their private armies and wreckshop. Once again no response because fort Hood would be closed due to Texas Succeeding from the UNION. GEORGIA, Really every year you cry about a drought and how hard it is how do you get water from other states when the Feds prohibit them from sending it. I doubt Coca Cola, Pepsi and other major companies would choose a broke ass state now country over the access to 49 other states and customer base. Then what No jobs, no taxes, no military, no water, they would be begging to rejoin the union. The main reason the US wouldn't let it happen is it would cut off a major transportation route that connects the ENTIRE east coast from Florida up. And to both people Perry and Horsley are advocating tyranny. RIGHTtttttttttttttt remember that is punishable by death.

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