Tuesday, May 26, 2009

California Still Sucks when it comes to a responsible government

In my grammatically incorrect analysis of the California budget problems on April 9, 2008. I expressed my views of California, and thoughts about their bond proposals to stop the state from falling apart.
Proposition 1D would redirect existing tobacco tax money from California’s First 5 Program to fund other state health and human services programs for the next five years
Proposition 1E is similar in nature to Proposition 1D. If approved, a large portion of funding from the Mental Health Services Act would be redirected to the state’s general fund to help pay for the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment program

A recent article buy MSNBC states many interesting things
-"The citizens of California went to the polls and voted down all five of the ballot measures"
-state revenues running $8 billion below projections
-$16 billion in taxes for the next three, is gone, voted down by the voters.
-For next year the state is a whopping $21 billion short
-California's credit rating is the lowest of the 50 states (Lower than Michigan? That's horrible)

Some information about the Ballot initiatives
-Prop 1A is a stellar example all by itself of what's wrong with voter-run budgets. It would have raised $16 billion in taxes over four years while also requiring the state to store more of the money from years of surplus for the busts that eventually come.
Prop 1C....would have let the state raise $5 billion by selling off future lottery profits (about $1 billion a year)
-It's Prop 1B, though, that's the pièce de résistance. That one would have restored $9 billion in school funding that may (or may not, nobody is quite sure)

So once again, the sunshine state or whatever you call yourselves. PLEASE, DO NOT COME TO TEXAS. WE DONT WANT YOU HERE, SCREWING UP OUR CITIES. For all of these years you looked down on us Texas Folks, with our no state income tax, low cost of living, and multi climate state. Enjoy all the things you always boast about, the weather, the sun, opulence, and Prisons. This is what happens when you let an actor with no political experience run your government. The City of Angels is about to get bumpy, good luck.

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