Monday, May 11, 2009

Lubbock is joining the post prohobition era

The strip sucks, but the good news they are going to be out of a job soon. Congratulations churches, that website was a brilliant idea. You should have known it would fail when you name your group after the standardized test that started that all kids left behind program. TAAS!
At the TAAS party Don Engler, who grew up in Lubbock was disappointed. He's seen other alcohol elections play out in the city go the other way. Although a religious group, Lubbock Area Baptist Association, issued the first statement against the alcohol initiative, Engler says he thinks the initiative passed because churches didn't get involved as much in this election as in the past. "I think basically churches have been the ones that have kept Lubbock dry this long, and obviously they've decided not to make that decision anymore, and that's ok,"

Thats hopeful thinking the church has that much power in lubbock, its been kept dry because the strip wanted it to. The argument on the taas site says this election is wrong because it will cost the city 300,000 dollars and it will take 15 years to get that back. The city had school bond elections to build more rich people schools so the ballot boxes had to be taken out anyways They neglect to tell you that TAAS by itself has spent 100,000 dollars campaigning against. Now there is nothing better the church could have done with 100,000 dollars? The church decided, LMAO. Lubbock has 300,000 people maybe 75,000 go to church, out of that im sure at least 30,000 of those church goes like the feeling when alcohol hits their lips.

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