Friday, March 19, 2010

Insurance Society

As a society culture, whatever you want to call it we are an insurance assured society. Not because you have insurance to live, but if you want that nice feeling inside then you better get insurance. Insurance protects you from dumb ass drivers (That includes yourself) and from most medical conditions if its not one of those pre-existing condition (A pre-existing condition is a health problem that existed before you apply for a health insurance policy or enroll in a new health plan. Basically means despite a 2000 dollar premium they can screw you out of life necessary services if they decide you where fucked up before you bought insurance. I'm sure the idea started to keep people away from purchasing insurance after they determined they where sick, but it has been extended to the point that some families can never be covered which is fucked up.

But I have an idea (Voice from the wire: "O shit Randy has an Idea!")Currently in the state or country of Texas it is required to have vehicle insurance if you have car. You are allowed to have just liability which is the cheapest and covers property damages of others if you fuck it up with your current car. That is completely a reasonable requirement, even though it is at the very least $39 dollars a month depending on your covered vehicle. If you drive a motorcycle, liability is only $110 a year. Since it is likely you cant damage to much property just yourself. As an owner of a vehicle it is likely you would want full coverage which is also required if your car is currently financed by someone. That mostly runs anywhere between 70 a month to 100's depending on the car. Their are approximately 20 million cars on the road in Texas, 16 million of them having at least liability insurance according to ( program rolled out by the state of Texas after legislative action, that established a state database of all Texas insurance policies. At the very least that is 7.6 Billion dollars a year for the various insurance companies. I calculated that by assuming 16 million people have at least $40 dollar per month insurane. 40 X 12 months = 480 x 16,000,000 = 7,680,000,000. Thats not even including the million or so drives who have full coverage that would bring that insurance income to over 10 billion dollars. Now that is a heavy income even if they have to pay out 3 billion dollars a year in claims in which I imagine is an over estimation.

Don't lose me now the estimated population of the country of Texas is estimated to be 24,782,302 as of 2009(US Census), and growing due to the economy. If the Insurance companies could come up with reasonable rates and plans their growth could be exponential especially due to the law of averages (“If the probability of a given outcome to an event is P and the event is repeated N times, then the larger N becomes, so the likelihood increases that the closer, in proportion, will be the occurrence of the given outcome to N*P.” Probability theory) which car companies dont believe in, but thats a whole other thought. The more people you have the cheaper a service should become since investment per capita goes down in price is the law of averages. For argument sake lets say insurance companies offer two type of insurance plans. Full coverage for the middle class and rich that cover everything but probably starts at 4,000 for a family of 3. Also a basic coverage which prohibits cosmetic bullshit and annual dental and bi-annual eye exams. Lets be honest, an eye exam cost as little as 100 as a walk in. Their have been plenty of people who have never gotten their teeth checked in the last year. TO be honest braces are a luxury and not a necessity. back to the main point of this paragraph, the cost of coverage that would include an annual doctor visit and physical and ER care for bad shit that could happen could cost 60 bucks a month. Less than the price of cable which is even less of a necessity. If every Texas resident had basic insurance it would equal to 17,843,257,440. Yeah Trillion of dollars count that up. ($60 x 12 Months = $720 x 24,782,302people = 17.8 billion dollars). And thats basic insurance profits, no one can tell me that wouldn't cover the cost of coverage and leave billions for profit. Just a thought based in reasoning, the Truth. All to give you that comfortable feeling inside, doesn't that make you feel good :(

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