Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Its just a job! REALLY?

Dwight Smith Safety from the NFL Minnesota Vikings has made a snafu in the American entertainment culture. Sports are entertainment, right? The Viking safety was quoted in an article today in the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

Smith said football "is just a job" and suggested fans take the outcome of games more seriously than players.

If you are a super fan than I understand it is a tough day for you, he made it clear that he doesn’t care as much about the football team as you do, and you shouldn't either. I am sure this is not only the sentiment of Dwight Smith, but most football or athletes in general. I knew all that "We feed off the energy from the fans" is bullshit, its just a game. Super fans just don't understand that concept

What message is he trying to send? Is David Carr going to look up after getting sacked again and say, "George Clinton is here, that energizes me."

shared sentiment of all athletes and normal people. Aren't you a little old to be dressing up for an event you paid for to attend, and a organization that finds more ways to make money off of you every year.

Watch a star show you how it is done, I am starting to think he is just making fun of all of his own fans.

Clinton Portis

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