Tuesday, February 10, 2009


During the last month some lady named Nadya Suleman had octuplet's and immediately went on the media circuit. I still cant see why anyone would want or need 8 kids at once, thats a personal decision. For all the critics of the current structure of the welfare system and entitlement programs, congratulations you have cause. It would be one thing if Ms Suleman had these children and had the means to raise them all, but I don't think most people have the means to raise 8 children. A recent report came out through MSNBC as a reaction piece to the interview she had on February 9th, in which she said ""I'm not receiving help from the government. I'm not trying to expect anything from anybody. [I] just wanted to do it on my own. Any resources that someone would really, really want to help us, I will accept, I would embrace.”
Nadya Suleman, the mother of the octuplets born last month, gets $490 a month in food stamps, the Los Angeles Times reported Monday evening. Three of her first children also get federal supplemental security income because they are disabled, the Times reported.

her publicist issued a statement to nbc for the article. (yes the lady who needs welfare has a publicist)
"In Nadya's view, the money that she gets from the food stamp program ... and the resources disabilities payments she gets for her three children are not welfare," he said. "They are part of programs designed to help people with need, and she does not see that as welfare."
When Mrs. Suleman was accused of having all of these kids for money she responded
“That's funny how untrue that is,” Suleman said. “Money? Money is necessary to raise children. But it's — it's paper. It is paper. To me, it is superfluous in contrast to the importance of my kids.”

the article further reports that it will cost millions just to get these children out of the hospital.

NBC chief medical editor Dr. Nancy Snyderman has estimated the cost of delivering the infants and caring for them until they are healthy enough to leave the hospital at $1.5 million to $3 million.

Though I know my view of this entire situation could be considered sexist, misogynistic, or classist. All I can see this situation is screwed up and simple.
Ms. Suleman doesn't see welfare as something for people in need, who else could welfare before Ms. Suleman? The rich, wait don't answer that after the bailout I can see i people can be confused about what welfare is, and is for. If she has 3 children already with disabilities that the government helps her out with, and she still cant afford to feed them. What does she possibly see her self as, not needy?
She cant afford to feed her family every month, she cant afford all the necessary care required for her 3 children at home, yet she can afford in vetro fertilization. BULLSHIT, doesn't that process cost thousands of dollars. How did a single mother afford that if she cant feed their kids, and why did she need them if she already had kids. I thought that process was only for people who have tried to have kids but for whatever reason could not. You don't see an in vetro clinic in the low income areas in Detroit, because poor people don't need 8 kids. I am sure that the million dollar bill from the hospital will be picked up by Ms. Suleman and not the government. If she really wanted a large family why didn't they adopt or get foster children. It sure would have been cheaper for everyone. The children would be taken out of the system, the government will save money by not paying a crappy group home to take care of 8 kids. At a fraction of the cost the government could have supplemented the Sulemans welfare with 50% of their savings from the children being out of group home. On top of that if she really does care so much about family her and her husband could have given 8 children in real need of a home. I
Its not the welfare system that pisses me off its the Ms. Sulemans blatant disregard or respect for the system. Not only do they abuse the system, they didn't even acknowledge the governments assistance. Damn most people are on welfare, its just not for poor people. Its for people in NEED
Welfare is financial assistance paid to people by governments. Some welfare is general, while specific and can only be invoked under certain circumstances, such as a scholarship.

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