Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Been up writing for hours and some thoughts

The Oil spill situation is everyone's faults, BP, the Regulators, the heads of those regulation agency, the politicians, the drill baby drill people who just want cheap gas, the protesters (Wtf is picketing going to do?), the people who being wrong, the voters who don't check voting records, the media for being in the pocket corporate sponsor, the people who still drive cars to run errands distances less than a mile (me), THE BIG 3 automakers (For killing progress in car manufacturing years ago), the people who think that not buying BP gas is punishing the company (It just makes for short lines and pushes them refining where the money is), Landis, Toyota, Wall Street, Primary Elections, who all got run out of the news cycle by something that will effect us for the next 30 years at least.

Someone asked me this question a couple years ago I think its apropos now that I'm ranting. Why does the news start every broadcast with the anchor saying "Good night Lubbock (or your city)" and then proceed to tell you all of the bad shit going on in the world?

On another note talk about the cities bottom falling from under you during your term Guatemalan Chief of Corruption Carlos Castresana resigned shortly after that (picture above paragraph) appeared in the city last week.

To the more interesting caveat to the story, did anyone see this sinkhole in Guatemala last week, there should be more done about this. An explanation, an investigation, HARP, at least some exploring. How much rope does it take to get down there to the bottom? What if there is not a bottom? MAGMA? Volcano Sediment? Atlantis? Tila Tequila? I don't even know where that came from. How many people fell in? Does insurance get to write this off under "Act of God Clause"(failure to deliver goods sold may be excused by an "act of God" if the absence of such act was a "basic assumption" of the contract, but has made the delivery commercially "impracticable")?

The Pacaya Volcano of Guatemala is plenty active as seen in the picture, for a small price you can pay to walk up to a lava river near the top of the volcano. And where a reporter was killed last month by a small eruption.

It couldn't couldn't have hit me harder if I was the one who murdered and shot
You are going to the restaurant business because people are always going to have to eat That was the day I realized my destiny laying for fulfilling another basic human need.
.:Yuri Orlov:.

I hate to take a life assessment from a character like Yuri, but the sentiment is just not understandable it was revealed to me much like an symbiotic epiphany a couple days ago. Leaving me to consider the union of an apparent multiple self proclamations of consciousness.

and your right, I'm just a student.

There is a difference in There's a difference between doing wrong and being wrong - Earl Simmons

Go get that nas & Damian Marley - Distant relatives Ive been playing it non stop, it puts me in a good mind frame.
Africa Must Wake up

My Generation ft. Joss Stone & Lil Wayne

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