Thursday, February 11, 2010

Yep American Airlines Still Suck part 2

On top of the trend started by American Airlines of charging customers for their luggage, and then increasing the cost of said fees.( If you where in the group of consumers who purchased their airline tickets before August 14, 2009 then you will be required to pay $15 for the first bag and $25 per subsequent bag. Its not enough these fees are a bullshit charge passed on to the consumer by a crappilly run airline. If your tickets where purchased between August 14, 2009 - January 31, 2010 then you will be required to pay $20 for the first bag and $30 per subsequent bag, but wait!!!! There is more, in preparation for their travel season they have raised their prices again on checked baggage for tickets purchased on or after February 1, 2010 you will be required to pay $25 for the first bag and $35 per subsequent bag. At these pace, you might as well not travel with baggage. Just take your $50 that would be used for the bags to buy shit when you get to your city of choice.

Its no secret that I think American Airline sucks
1. It was in 2001 they said this and in the present that company is still unprofitable spending Tax payer money. American Airlines; the benefit of years of socialized loses. How do they get off charging luggage fees? (TTM.blogspot 10/14/2008)

2.AA Company of the year (TTM.blogspot 4/11/2008)

3.AA blocks the NY consumer Bill of rights (TTM.blogspot 12/19/2007)

4.American Airlines Still Suck (TTM.blogspot 4/10/2008)

NPR reports on February 10, 2010 that the FAA is going to hit American Airlines with a record penalty that can be as much as 20 million, for the defective wiring on their entire fleet that was shut down a year in a half ago. Over safety concerns that this wiring could lead to fires, and of course AA didn't find anything wrong. In fact they had the nerve to say that the passengers where not in any direct danger. My knowledge of vehicles is limited at best, but i don't think a fire should be a risk when 1000's of feet above the surface. With an underpaid pilot flying this vehicle that can just have a random fire, I don't think commercial airlines have a parachute provided. It would simply meant that the passengers would have been fucked if a fire broke out.

Yesterday, The Wall Street Journal said that "the proposed American penalty, government and industry officials said, is likely to top $10 million, and could be as much as $20 million, unless the agency changes course." (NPR 2/10/2010)

Congrats American Airlines for your suckatude. To bad these fines will not truly penalize the airline or protect/compensate the costumers who flew in inadequate jets. Expect by the end of the summer fees being 35 for the first bag and 50 for every other bag. How does this really punish the airline? I could see it as a punishment if the airline had to reimburse their customers who flew on these defective jets in their fleet. To pay some government bureaucracy that doesn't always do a great job in oversight of the industry. At the very least it can be agreed on, that the FAA hasn't done anything to protect consumer rights in the last 3 years. it is obvious why government regulations need to exists, but I can also see why people want to get rid of regulatory agencies.

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